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This programme is accredited by the Institute of Building Construction and meets the requirements of training innovative, up-to-date civil engineers who will design cities with structure after graduation. This wide scientific and engineering field covers large structures and constructions, building engineering, infrastructure management like bridges and highways, municipal water and wastewater systems. Study of these fields comprises of learning classical engineering sciences such as mathematics, natural sciences and economics. In addition to engineering subjects, the programme provides training in computers and communication skills. Although most graduates are employed to work in the field of planning, design or management, they may also be involved in construction engineering, structural engineering, transportation and urban planning, or set themselves up in independent practice.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
online interview/personal interview

Ms. Réka Kozsahuba
international coordinator

Programme structure

The structure of the programme is available at the following link:

Evaluation of the student is fully based on his/her performance and it gives a
formal feedback of his/her progress in work. All courses and laboratory work end
with a grade.

The grading system generally used by Hungarian higher education
institutions is the following:
•The highest grade is 5 excellent.
•Grade 4 is good.
•Grade 3 is satisfactory.
•Grade 2 is a pass.
•Grade 1 is a fail – the course must be repeated.

More information on UP’s grading policy can be found at the following location:
English website of the Faculty

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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