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PHDDoctoral School of Linguistics [Arts and Humanities]

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The Doctoral School of Linguistics offers doctoral programmes in major core areas of linguistics, including syntactic theory, phonological theory, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, Hungarian descriptive linguistics, historical linguistics, classical philology, Arabic studies, English studies, Germanic studies, Romance languages, Slavic studies and theoretical linguistics. While doctoral (PhD) degrees in the majority of fields listed qualify graduates to work in higher education and conduct academic research, PhDs in theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics also provide skills that can be marketed in industry and specialized fields such as research and development.
To obtain the PhD degree, collect all the 240 credits of the programme, pass the Comprehensive Examination at the end of the fourth semester (preceded by one B2 foreign language examination certificate), submit the dissertation within three years after the Comprehensive Examnination, and defend it at a discussion session and at the final defence, both in front of a committee.

Based on the foreign language homepage of the Doctoral School of Linguistics students get information about applying the Programme. Fee-paying students contact the email address on the Doctoral School homepage, the students of the “Stipendium” contact the Tempus Foundation in order to express their intention to apply and send their documents needed for the application process (MA degree, the necessary language skills, valid travel documents, motivation letter). The staff at the Doctoral School specialized in the field and commissioned for the process contact the candidates and conduct the entrance application procedure on a previously designated day:
- those qualified for the process present themselves to a board of appointed staff from the Doctoral School
-after an oral interview with the board, the staff inform the applicant about the decision of admission

Statement of supervision is a must.

- Comprehensive Examination at the end of the 4th semester
- 2 B2 (complex) language exam certificates as a condition of the comprehensive Examination
- Collect all the 240 credits of the programme to get the final certificate
- 2 years of the graduation process
- a discuss session with the members of the opponent teachers’ committee
- defend the thesis in public, in front of the committee


Mr. Tamás Hógenburg
head of international office

Programme structure

240 credits, 4 years

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment