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PHDDoctoral School of Geosciences [Natural Science]

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Program description:
Geography education has a long and internationally acknowledged tradition at the University of Szeged. Geography has been taught and researched at University of Szeged for about a century, the Doctoral School was established in 1993. The School offers a broad range of research topics in the fields of Spatial Forms of Socio-Economic Processes, Geology, Geomorphology and Geoecology. During the PhD program, the students have obligatory courses and other courses of free choice (for credits). The Doctoral School ensures the appropriate infrastructural background to the work of the students: well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art laboratory and field equipment and IT facilities. The Institute of Geography and Geology is committed to high standards of research, and the research fields are continuously evolving in response to new challenges in the subject. The Departments of the Institute of Geography and Geology have broad international relationships and participate in several international research projects funded by international (mainly EU) agencies and national research funds

Entry requirements:
MSc degree in relevant disciplines e.g. Geography, Earth science/Geology, Environmental Science, Environmental engineering, Geo-Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, Garden and Landscape Architecture, Economic and Rural Development, Environmental Management, Agricultural Engineering, Nature Conservation Engineering, Tourism and Hospitality Management or relevant disciplines. Language requirements:At least an intermediate level (B2) internationally accredited English language exam: TELC B2, ECL B2, TOEFL iBT test score of at least 72, or RPDT score 72, Cambridge First Certificate at least “B”, IELTS score of at least 5.5 , LanguageCert B2 level

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The admission procedure: Decision will be based on the submitted documents and oral examinations or Skype interviews can also be held. “”

Tivadar M. Tóth


‘Dr. Tamás Kovalcsik at mrkovalcsik@gmail.com

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Minimum number of scholarship holders:

Maximum number of scholarship holders:


Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment