Study location | Hungary, Sopron |
Academic field | Forestry 01.6 (ISCED 623) |
Type | One Tier Master, full degree studies |
Nominal duration | 10 semesters (300 ECTS) |
Study language | Hungarian |
Awards | OTM |
Course code | Agricultural Science |
Entry qualification | High school / secondary education (or higher) secondary school leaving certificate or diploma obtained in higher education; proof of language proficiency The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English / Hungarian. In most cases you can request a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. You must take the original entry qualification documents along with you when you finally go to the university. |
Territory requirements | Applications are accepted from the following territories (based on citizenship): Angola, Argentina, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Congo - Kinshasa, Costa Rica, India, Jordan, Mongolia, South Korea, Türkiye, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen. |
Language requirements | Hungarian B2 language certificate Proof of the completion of the Hungarian preparatory course |
Other requirements | A motivation letter must be added to your application. Szóbeli felvételi: informazika és biológia Felkészülsét segítő irodalom: |
More information |
Felvételi vizsga tárgyai: matematika, informatika, biológia (kettőt választani); Segédanyagok: www.studiumgenerale.hu/hu-Hu/erettsegik-temakor-szerint ofi.hu/matematika-mintafeladatsorok Holczer József: Informatika szóbeli érettségi közép- és emelt szinten. Jedlik Oktatási Stúdió Kft. (ISBN: 978-963-87629-3-1) Berend Mihály – Szerényi Gábor: Biológia I-II. Műszaki Kiadó, Budapest; Felvételi eljárás: szóbeli vizsga, motivációs beszélgetés Sopronban; Kapcsolattartó: Dr. Facskó Ferenc (facsko.ferenc@uni-sopron.hu)
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