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This four-semester course trains business and public sector professionals who have achieved a sound and integrated professional knowledge in specific areas of management. Graduates will acquire the abilities to analyse, plan, and manage the workflows of private and public sector organisations. They will be able to detect, analyse and solve problems employing concepts relating to individual and organisational learning as well as utilising innovative and creative thinking skills. Those completing the programme will have knowledge sufficient for progress to PhD level. Applicants are eligible to apply if they hold a bachelor degree in the field of business adminitsration and managament or earned at least 30 ECTS credits in the field of business or management.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The admission procedure consits of the following parts:
- 20-30 minutes long online interview
- evaluation of application documents

Online interview: The Office of Foreign Affairs will contact all applicants to set up a suitable time for the online interview. Applicants will be interviewed by appointed staff members from the Department and the Office of Foreign Affairs. Professors will check the applicant’s preliminary knowledge of the chosen study area and motivation. The Office of Foreign Affairs will check the language skills and intercultural competences of the applicant.
The admission decision is based on the following results:
- result of previous studies (max. 20 points)
- CV, motivation letter (max. 20 points)
- online interview (max. 60 points)

Minimum admission requirements: 60 points. Those applicants who gain less than 5 points in any section of the admission procedure will be rejected.

Programme structure

Disciplines and specialities of the quailification

Knowledge in Economics and social sciences: 26 credits
Special knowledge in Managenet and leadership: 30 credits
Specialization in Production a d service management 24 credits
Special modul in Innovation management: 14 credits
Thesis writing: 15 credit
Optional subjects: 11 credits

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Career opportunities

Job opportunities for graduates in the labour market are mainly:

large companies, multinational companies,
small and medium-sized enterprises,
starting and managing their own business,
economic and managerial positions in the public sector, budgetary institutions,
project managers, performance managers and many other areas of management activity.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment