Study location | Hungary, Sárospatak |
Type | Bachelor, full degree studies |
Nominal duration | 6 semesters |
Study language | Hungarian |
Awards | BA |
Course code | Teacher Training |
Territory requirements | Applications are accepted from the following territories (based on citizenship): Angola, Argentina, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Congo - Kinshasa, Costa Rica, India, Jordan, Mongolia, South Korea, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen. |
Language requirements | Hungarian |
Other requirements | At least 2 reference(s) should be provided. alkalmassági vizsga |
More information |
A képzés célja óvodapedagógusok képzése, akik alkalmasak az óvodai nevelés feladatainak ellátására, a 3-7 éves korú gyermekek nevelésére, a pedagógusi hivatás gyakorlására.