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BScLandscape Management and Garden Construction Engineering (Budapest)

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Students of Landscape Management and Garden Construction programme will be able to perform garden construction and maintenance tasks, as well as landscape management and urban management tasks. They have an understanding and a basic knowledge and practice in garden design, landscape planning, and urban planning. They are able to fulfil various types of management tasks, from environment protection and assessment, green surface and landscape maintenance, with regards to construction, building and realization, operation and protection. Furthermore, they can take landscape related positions at professional organizations or at local governments and carry out non-license design activities. Landscape and garden constructors and maintenance experts have a chance to be employed by professional companies or can establish their own firm.
Graduated BSc students are eligible for MSc and MA programmes in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.
Within the framework of their studies students will obtain knowledge in ecology, technology, architecture, humanities, economics, entrepreneurship and organization.
Basic modules offer basic knowledge in natural sciences, economics and humanities (Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Botany, Dendrology, Environmental Studies, Public Administration and Law, Economy, Communication).
Core modules include The Basics of Engineering, The History of Landscape, Urban and Garden Architecture, Architecture, Geodesy and Landscaping, Garden and Open Space Architecture, GIS and CAD, Nature Protection, Landscape planning, Environmental Protection, Urban Architecture and Urban Planning, Urban and Green Surface Management, Plant Protection of Green Surfaces, Road and Public Works Construction.
Specialized electives from the fifth semester on:
•Garden architect specialization: Garden and Open Space Architecture, Construction, Green Surface Maintenance, Urban Protection;
•Landscape architect specialization: Landscape and Micro-Regional Development, Landscape Protection and Rehabilitation, Landscape Architecture and Maintenance, Water Management;
•Urban management specialization: Public Space Construction and Maintenance, Urban Leadership and Management, Communal Economy.
There is a project-oriented teaching methodology, with special aspects to the basic planning skills and to the landscape and open space construction, maintenance and management.

Programme structure


Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment