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BScNursing and Patient Care [Physiotherapist] (SH Sport)

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The aim is to train health care experts who are able to take part with their full responsibility in prevention, treatment, nursing and rehabilitation at all levels of health and social care. Their knowledge is based on studies of individual, family, community and public health protection and rehabilitation as well as on health and social services. They have the adequate knowledge to continue their studies in the second cycle. Major subjects are: basics of physiotherapy, manual techniques, physiotherapy of cardio-respiratory diseases, locomotor diseases, neurological-psychiatric physiotherapy, infant-paediatric and obstetrical-gynaecological physiotherapy, rehabilitation, electro-diagnostics, radiology and imaging procedures.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The mean of grades from Biology and one other subject chosen by the student counts weighted in calculating the average of the high school grades. Besides a list of rankings thus completed, the student will participate in a min 15 minute long Skype interview, based on a certain protocol, to ascertain their competencies in the language thereby confirming that the applicant is competent enough to participate in the foreign language course.

Mr. Attila Kovács
international affairs coordinator

Programme structure

Basic fields of study:
• basic health sciences 15-20 credits
• applied health sciences 30-35 credits
• health sciences 4-6 credits
• nutrition science 2-5 credits
• pharmaceutical science 2-4 credits
• natural sciences 6-8 credits
• arts 6-8 credits
• social sciences 8-12 credits

Special fields for the Physiotherapy programme:
• applied health sciences 5-10 credits
• theoretical and clinical medical science 10-15 credits
• physiotherapy and movement science 90-100 credits

Type of courses (with different type of completion):
• theoretical
• practice
• demonstration room practice
• field practice

Exams: written / oral / practical

Grade system:
1 – fail / no pass
2 – close fail but passed
3 – average, improvement needed
4 – above average grade, very good
5 – best possible grade, excellent

The minimum amount of credits to be collected in every semester is 18 credits.

Career opportunities


Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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