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BARomance Philology and Cultures [Specialized in Italian Studies]

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Program description:
Scopo del corso di laurea è di formare esperti che dispongano di conoscenze teoriche e pratiche nel campo della lingua e della cultura italiana e più in generale delle scienze umane e che grazie a queste conoscenze possano esercitare creativamente la loro professione a livello teorico e pratico, inter- e multidisciplinare. I laureati disporranno di conoscenze teoriche sufficienti per poter continuare gli studi nella laurea specialistica (MA).

I laureati saranno in grado: di usare la lingua italiana in orale e in scritto a un livello corrispondente al livello C1 delle norme europee; di utilizzare gli strumenti generali di studio e le tecniche fondamentali di ricerca correnti nello studio della lingua e della cultura italiana; di capire globalmente, riassumere, tradurre a livello basico testi di carattere generale.

The aim of the degree course is to train experts with theoretical and practical skills in the field of Italian language and literature, or, more generally, in the field of humanities, who, thanks to these skills, can creatively practice their profession on theoretical, practical, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary levels. The graduate students will have enough theoretical knowledge to be able to continue their studies at an MA specialization.

The graduate students will be able to: use the Italian language in speech and in writing in a way which corresponds to the C1 level of the European framework; use the general study instruments and basic research techniques in connection with Italian language and culture; understand as a whole, summarise and translate general texts at a basic level.

BA system course is planned to be 3-year term. The course is divided into two periods: the first year as a basic course the second and third year as main course. At the end of each period there are complex examinations. At the end of the basic course, students have Filter examination and at the end of the main course they have Final examination.

Entry requirements: A B2-level, internationally recognized language certificate in the target language or a diploma in the target language.

Entrance exam: Yes

Type of entrance exam: oral

Entrance exam location: Electronic

Entrance exam description:
The application documents are processed by the Department of International Affairs and then forwarded to the department responsible for the given degree programme. The department checks the documents and organizes an interview by telephone, online (e.g. Skype) or in person. After the entrance interview, the department comes to a decision and informs the Department of International Affairs.

Mr Rezső Jarmalov
Stipendium Hungaricum coordinator

Preparatory year available: No

Specialisation year available: No

Minimum number of scholarship holders: 2

Maximum number of scholarship holders: 15

Link: www.elte.hu/en/neo-latin-languages-and-cultures-specialized-in-italian-studies

Programme structure

I. Modulo di base: 12 crediti
A) Materie generali: 6 crediti
B) Materie teoriche di base: 6 crediti

II. Modulo disciplinare: 108 crediti
a) Modulo disciplinare introduttivo: 31 crediti
b) Modulo disciplinare di approfondimento: 77 crediti

III. Disciplina secondaria: 50 crediti
a) corso di specializzazione all’interno del corso di laurea scelto,
b) variante „minor” di un altro corso di laurea.

IV. Materie a scelta libera o modulo di pedagogia-psicologia: 10 crediti
Qualsiasi materia nel rispetto delle regole vigenti, o il modulo offerto dalla Facoltà di Pedagogia e Psicologia.

I. Basic modul: 12 credits
A) General subjects: 6 credits
B) Basic theoretical subjects: 6 credits

II. Disciplinary modul: 108 credits
a) Introductory disciplinary modul: 31 credits
b) Deepening disciplinary modul: 77 credits

III. Secondary Discipline: 50 credits
a) chosen cspecialization course within the degree course
b) „minor” of another degree course.

IV. Freely chosen courses or pedagogy-psychology modul: 10 credits
Any courses which are allowed to be taken according to the rules, or the modul offered by the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Find the detailed structure of the program on the site of the Faculty:

Romance Philology and Cultures, specialized in Italian Studies

Career opportunities

Career opportunities:
I laureati potranno: utilizzare creativamente le conoscenze acquisite nel campo delle relazioni culturali, lavorando come mediatori linguistici; svolgere funzioni organizzative nel campo della vita politica, economica e culturale dove sia richiesta la conoscenza della lingua e della cultura italiana; svolgere funzioni organizzative e relazionali a livello linguistico nei media; lavorare come mediatori linguistici e culturali nell’industria turistica.

The graduate students will be able to use their knowledge creatively in the field of cultural relations, working as linguistic mediators; to fulfil organizing positions in those fields of politics, economy and culture where the knowledge of Italian language and culture is required; to fulfil organizing and relational positions at a linguistic level in the mass media; to work as linguistic and cultural mediators in the industry of tourism.

Job examples:
Carriera diplomatica, come interprete e traduttore presso il corpo diplomatico guida turistica esperto linguistico presso ditte e imprese manager culturale.

Career in diplomacy, as interpreter and translator, tour-guide, expert of the language at firms and companies, cultural manager.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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