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BARomance Philology and Cultures [Specialized in Romanian Studies]

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Program description:
Scopul principal al programului este de a asigura o bună cunoaștere a limbii și literaturii române. Nivelul de licenţă oferă o pregătire amănunțită pentru a putea aplica în continuare la nivelul de Master. Programul pune accentul pe formarea practică, astfel încât cei care îl finalizează au șansa de a se angaja în sfera competitivă / pe piața forței de muncă (traducător, editor, etc.)

The main goal of the program is to build up sound knowledge of the Romanian language and literature. The BA program caters for a thorough training, so that students can work towards their MA degree. The program also focuses on practical training so that those who graduate from it will have the chance to engage in the competitive sphere of the labour market (translator, editor, publisher, etc.)

Strength of program
The Department of Romanian philology was founded in 1863. It was the first chair of the Romanian language and literature in Europe. The Department has several contracts with universities (University of Bucharest, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, University of Oradea) and academic institutions (George Bariţiu Academic Institute of History) from Romania. Degrees issued by the Faculty, based on European regulations and the Romanian-Hungarian bilateral agreements, are recognized in Romania and also in Europe.

This BA program lasts 3 years. The course is divided into two modules: the first year as the foundation module, the second and third years as the main module. At the end of each module there are complex examinations. At the end of the foundation module, students take a language proficiency examination and at the end of the main module they attempt the final examination. Note that the program does not offer teaching qualifications.

Entry requirements: A B2-level, internationally recognized language certificate in the target language or a diploma in the target language.

Entrance exam: Yes

Type of entrance exam: oral

Entrance exam location: Electronic

Entrance exam description:
The application documents are processed by the Department of International Affairs and then forwarded to the department responsible for the given degree programme. The department checks the documents and organizes an interview by telephone, online (e.g. Skype) or in person. After the entrance interview, the department comes to a decision and informs the Department of International Affairs.

Mr Rezső Jarmalov
Stipendium Hungaricum coordinator

Preparatory year available: No

Specialisation year available: No

Minimum number of scholarship holders: 2

Maximum number of scholarship holders: 15

Link: www.elte.hu/en/neo-latin-languages-and-cultures-specialized-in-romanian-studies

Programme structure

Find the detailed structure of the program on the site of the Faculty:

Romance Philology and Cultures, specialized in Romanian Studies

Career opportunities

Career opportunities:
Those who graduate from our department can go on to master program, or can find a job. Here are some examples where those who have graduated with us, are working: publishing, journalism, school education, ministry of foreign affairs, cultural relations, self-government, state government, tourism etc.

Job examples:
Publishing, journalism, school education, ministry of foreign affairs, cultural relations, self-government, state government, tourism etc.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment
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