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PHDDoctoral School of Materials Science and Technologies [Engineering Science]

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Program description:
Teaching and research in the Doctoral School is aimed at understanding the relationships between structure and properties of materials, and at developing new structural and functional materials by integrating various fields of science. Special emphasis is given to macromolecular systems. The activities of the Doctoral School also cover advanced metals, ceramics, composites, and micro- and nanostructured materials.

Entry requirements:
An MSc degree in the field of the science relevant to the selected programme. Minimum Language Test Scores 6.5 IELTS/ 79 TOEFL iBT/ 213 TOEFL CBT/ 550 TOEFL PBT/ CAE. Preliminary published research activities.

Entrance exam:

Type of entrance exam:

Entrance exam location:

Entrance exam description:
The Examination Board for the entrance examination of the PhD program evaluates both the records of the previous studies and the submitted research plan of the applicant.

The following prerequisites must be presented:
- Relevant master’s degree from an accredited institution.
- Certified qualification in spoken and written English language.
- Preliminary published research activities.

Curriculum vitae or resume should be submitted describing education, work experience, research experience, teaching experience, professional affiliations, and publications of the applicant. Research plan should be prepared with the structure below. All points must be answered separately.
1. Title of research work.
2. Title of research topic and name of supervisor as it was announced by the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Óbuda University.
3. Key words (3-5).
4. General preliminaries in own research activities (motivation, preliminary research, connections with other research programs, etc.).
5. Preliminaries and outside research connections in the field of the planed doctoral research.
6. Specific research objectives, their relevance and importance, and topicality within the actual branch of science.
7. Specific subtasks of the proposed research (3-5 rows), their interdependence and external connections.
8. Planned research procedures, techniques and methods, demand for and availability of equipment, devices, and toolkits for each subtask.
9. Partial results of the planned research, subtasks relevant to them. The greatest possible delimitation of things and relations to examine and analyze.
10. List of publications on the primary sources which are intended to consider and cite in the course of the planned research for each partial result. This list must be coordinated with the outside research connections tagged under points 5 and 7.
11. Title of minimum 4 subjects and their semester based schedule. In the case of need for additional discussion with subject leaders, answer to this point of the research plan can be postponed.
12. Supervisor’s note.
13. Date.
14. Signature of the supervisor.
15. Signature of the student.

Ms. Ildikó Bettina Bosák
Student coordinator

Preparatory year available:

Specialisation year available:

Minimum number of scholarship holders:

Maximum number of scholarship holders:


Programme structure

Places of doctoral studies: Józsefváros Campus of Óbuda University; Obuda Campus and Research of Óbuda University; Centers of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences that have a contractual relationship with Óbuda University.

Required 240 credit points.

Subjects are selected by the students according to the suggestion of their supervisor. General subjects (e. g. materials investigation methods) and special subjects connected with the research topic can be studied.

Publications: 75 credits International publications are preferred by large credit numbers.

During the doctoral program, the committee evaluates the grades of the courses studied, the progress of the research activity and the quality of the scientific publications (if any).

Career opportunities

The Doctoral School of Materials Sciences and Technologies has a modern program that provides students with a wide range of transferable skills that enhance the career opportunities of its graduates. These undergraduate courses in materials science include:
a) general studies on materials (Physical chemistry of surfaces; Porous materials; Colloid chemistry and nanotechnology; Radiation chemistry; Chemistry of dyes; Chemistry of solid materials)
b) methods of materials testing (Spectrometry and microscopy; Advanced separation methods; Advanced mass spectrometry; Test methods for microelectronic materials and structures; Colours and colour measurement etc.)
In addition to these basics, the students of the doctoral school study elect courses in specific areas of materials sciences, in accordance with their specific research areas. The list of the available specific courses includes
a) Polymer materials and technologies (Polymer chemistry and physics; Natural and natural based polymers; Modification of cellulosic materials; Synthetic fibres and technical textiles; Fibres for paper industry; Anatomy and physics of wood and paper forming fibres; Photodegradation of wood and paper forming fibres; Interaction of printing materials with printed surfaces; Application of high energy irradiation for modification of natural polymers and plastics; Characterization of functional textiles and garments; Antimicrobial textiles; Polymers in micro technology etc.)
b) Ceramic materials and technologies (Structure and rupture mechanism of ceramics; Mechanical properties of technical ceramics etc.)
c) Metallic materials and technologies (Models for thermally activated transformation in alloys etc.)
d) Micro- and nano-structured materials and technologies (Semiconductors; Band gap engineering – efficiency of solar cells; Self organizing low dimensional systems; Microcapsules in advanced technologies; Application of polymers in microtechnology; Elements and compounds in micro size gas sensors etc.)
e) Composites
f) Environmental issues of materials sciences technologies (Green printing technologies), reuse of plastic waste).

Parallel to their study, the students of the doctoral school perform research in one of the following five areas
a) Polymers
b) Ceramics
c) Metals
d) Micro- and nano-structures
e) Environmental protection.

Thanks to the cooperation of the doctoral school with several research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and with the R&D laboratories of various companies, during their research the students become familiar with the infrastructure of these research centres and become, therefore, able to perform independent research activities after receiving their doctoral degrees.

In addition to career opportunities in the various research centres, further career opportunities are available for them at the universities and in the various other post-secondary education organizations, at various companies applying innovative technologies, and, especially due to the environmental studies they are also welcome at various government organizations and in the administration at city or regional level.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment